Thursday, June 2, 2011

What would Le Corbusier Design Today?

We recently participated in a design competition for the renovation to one of Atlant'a first, large mixed-use developments. The 1970s design was inspired by the work of LeCorbusier.

Let me tell you up front... we lost.  But boy did we have an AWESOME time coming up with our solution. Rather than embark on a historical preservation project, ai3 asked our studio in an internal Vision Session: "WHAT WOULD LE CORBUSIER DESIGN TODAY?"

ai3's solution embraced the philosophy, not exact design, of this great architect and the Bauhaus movement, a movement that combined Art + Craft + Technology. We focused on his exploration of raw materials, making beauty by contrast, the play between the dull and the intense... and making people THINK and REFLECT.

We chose to develop "Built Art" much like the architecture designed by Corbu in the last phase of his life.  Our art provided a dramatic sense of arrival in the building's lobby... and maybe looks like something Corbu would've thought was cool in the year 2011.

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